Live 5D Health

Monday to Friday 09:00 - 20:00


Live 5D Health is a Private Members Association which has been set up to benefit the health of all living souls that need it.

We have started our mission with the installation of two hyperbaric oxygen chambers in out treatment room at Bridge Street, Boyle, Co Roscommon.


We have done this because oxygen is such a simple and powerful healer that EVERYONE can benefit from. In Ireland, this kind of treatment has been beyond the reach of many people both financially and geographically, so we aim to change this.

Did you know that this form of treatment was first invented in 1662! A British physician called Henshaw created a pressurised room he called the “domicilium”, which he used to treat patients with acute conditions.

Join Our Association

To use our chambers, you will first need to make an appointment with us. When you arrive, you will be asked to become a member of our Private Members Association by reading and signing a short document which then means we’ll be able to explain how we take donations for your treatments.